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All Downloads > PostSharp 2.1 > PostSharp 2.1 SP 1 >

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Requirements: Windows 64-bit and .NET Framework 4.0 are required to build the source code. Mono is not supported as a build platform.

  1. Download a source code package.
  2. Unzip the package. It contains two files: an encrypted archive and crypt.exe, the decrypting utility.
  3. Open a Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt and go to the directory where the package has been unzipped.
  4. Type: crypt.exe <key> where <key> is the encryption key, which you should have received by email.
  5. Unzip the decrypted package.
  6. Go to the directory where the decrypted package has been unzipped.
  7. Type: build.cmd.
  8. You can now open PostSharp-2.0.sln using Visual Studio 2010.

File index refreshed at 5/3/2024 11:30:33 PM +00:00 containing 18222 objects, 42.6 GB.