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NuGet package for PostSharp Diagnostics Pattern Library (NLog back-end)
Normally, you should add the PostSharp package directly from Visual Studio and should not
see this page. If you're here, it may be that you have a good reason: for instance applying
a hotfix that has not been advertised on the NuGet repository.
To download and install this package manually, you should:
- Create a folder on your local computer.
- Download this file to this folder.
- Inside Visual Studio, open the menu Tools, then Options, then select
Package Manager and Package Sources.
- Add the folder to the list of package sources.
- Click Ok.
- Add the package to your application as usually.
File index refreshed at 2/10/2025 7:11:15 PM +00:00 containing 19493 objects, 52.4 GB.