White Papers

Explore the necessity of meta-programming in implementing a pattern-driven architecture without boilerplate code.

These white papers were authored a few years ago when our primary focus was on automating the implementation of design patterns. Although our current focus is broader and our branding has evolved, these white papers remain relevant to our current objectives.

10 Reasons You MUST Consider Pattern-Aware Programming

Research indicates that developers spend a significant amount of time — up to 20% — writing repetitive code that machines could generate more reliably. By automating the more mundane aspects of programming, organizations can achieve a 19-fold return on investment.

This document discusses the issue of duplicated source code, also known as boilerplate code, which results from the manual implementation of patterns. We challenge the idea that patterns in software development are confined to architecture and design, and argue that the lack of pattern support in programming languages is the primary cause of boilerplate code. We propose a solution — introducing support for patterns into mainstream programming languages through pattern-aware compiler extensions.

This guide is intended for organizations that view software development as a vital part of their operations, but are grappling with high development costs, lengthy time-to-market, poor quality (including random defects), and a shortage of qualified engineers. It is specifically aimed at CTOs, software architects, and senior developers in software-driven organizations operating in sectors such as finance, insurance, healthcare, energy, and IT.

Threading Models in Object-Oriented Programming

Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles behind PostSharp Threading Models, and learn how they can be implemented in other object-oriented programming languages.