Download Metalama

The same downloads work with all licenses. No key is required for the free Metalama Free and the 45-day trial.

NuGet [Packages]

To get started with Metalama, install the main NuGet package and start coding.

dotnet add package

Package List
No key is required for Metalama Free and trial.

Visual Studio Tools for Metalama

Install tooling for an optimal coding experience:

  • Diff source code with transformed code.
  • Code Lens with aspect info.
  • Syntax highlighting of aspect code.
No key is required for Metalama Free and trial.

Get Started

1. Download

Add the packages to your project. Optionally, install Metalama Tools for Visual Studio.

The first time you start Metalama, the trial period will start automatically.

2. Start Hacking

You can start building aspects and adding them to your application. Don't know where to start? Try first to override a method.

3. Choose Free or Pro

Before the end of the trial period, you can switch to Metalama [Free] or register a license key.

In Addition

Get a Free License

If you are a freelancer, MVP, blogger, author, student or teacher, you can apply for Metalama Ultimate Free License.

Free License

Get the Latest Bits

Download the latest version of Metalama.

2024.2 RC

Previous Versions

All versions dating back from 2024 are still available for download.

Download Archive